Tonto Crepe Myrtle


The Tonto Crepe Myrtle tree is an eye-catching choice that offers many advantages to both the landscape and environment. Boasting stunning blooms, low maintenance needs and wildlife attraction features, it makes an excellent addition to any garden and its benefits include:

  • Tonto Crepe Myrtle trees produce vibrant pink blooms that are highly showy and highly attractive, providing an attractive display. Additionally, their blooming season spans from midsummer to early fall for an extended display of color.
  • Tonto Crepe Myrtle requires little care for optimal performance. Pruning requirements are minimal, while its disease resistance makes this shrub an excellent option.
  • Air Circulation: The Tonoto Crepe Myrtle features excellent air circulation, making it ideal for patio planters and around pools.
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The Tonto Crepe Myrtle is an attractive deciduous tree, typically reaching 20 feet in height and 15 wide. Perfect for smaller gardens or as an eye-catching focal point in larger landscapes, its stunning deep pink blooms add vibrant splashes of color throughout summer – adding beauty and character.

Tonto Crepe Myrtles are beloved garden fixtures due to their low maintenance requirements. From drought tolerance and soil type flexibility, to occasional pruning sessions for dead or damaged branches removal – they make the ideal addition for any landscape!

Tonto Crepe Myrtles are beloved trees, beloved for both their stunning blooms and stunning bark. When peeled away, this cinnamon-colored surface can provide year-round interest even when not blooming. Furthermore, Tonto Crepe Myrtles are wildlife magnets; providing nectar to hummingbirds and pollinators insects while offering seeds or foliage for birds or insects to feed upon.

Weight 256 oz


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Tonto Crepe MyrtleTonto Crepe Myrtle