Long Leaf Pine Tree


Long Leaf Pine Trees are a great addition to your garden, providing a range of benefits.

Their graceful form and long needles make them a favorite among homeowners and landscapers alike.

The tree’s needles are long and soft, making it an ideal ornamental tree.

Long Leaf Pine Trees are one of the most popular pines for landscaping.

They’re strong and durable, can withstand strong winds, ice storms, snow loads, and more because of their thick trunk and deep root system.

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Long leaf pine trees are known for their beautiful, long needles.

They grow to be about 100 ft (30 meters) tall and have a lifespan of about many years.

Long leaf pine trees are also known for their ability to grow in sandy soil with little or no water.

These trees can also survive in full sun or partial shade.

Long leaf pine trees are one of the few conifers that can grow in warm climates.

In addition, they thrive in wet conditions and tolerate drought well.


This evergreen native pine tree grows tall with a 30-40 foot spread.

Seedlings show little development for the first 5 years.

Once the tree blooms, the buds are silver and white during the winter.

These trees have a wide range of uses, including being used in lumber and paper production.


Weight 2872.52 oz


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Longleaf Pine TreeLong Leaf Pine Tree