Colorama Crepe Myrtle


The Colorama Crepe Myrtle is an exquisite deciduous tree, offering many advantages to gardeners and landscapers.

These benefits include:

  • Once established, these low maintenance and drought-tolerant trees require little care and watering once established.
  • Once in their permanent home, these beauties attract wildlife like butterflies, hummingbirds, and birds, and provide year-round interest with beautiful fall foliage displays.
  • Their versatility also makes them suitable for use as specimen trees, hedges, screens or mixed borders.
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Colorama Crepe Myrtles are beloved southern U.S. trees known for their fast growth, dense canopy, drought resistance, low maintenance needs and ability to flourish in dry coastal environments. Ideal for full sun with well-drained soil conditions – making this drought-tolerant plant perfect for drought-resistant zones of your landscape! Their rich burgundy bark adds depth and texture when combined with their circular canopy shape for added dimension and texture.

Weight 256 oz


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Colorama Crepe MyrtleColorama Crepe Myrtle